Michael S McLachlan


Jon A Arnot, Frank Wania, Knut Breivik, 2012, Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM.

Michael S McLachlan, Margaretha Adolfsson-Erici, Gun Åkerman, 2012, Environmental science & technology.

Jon A Arnot, Thomas E McKone, Frank Wania, 2009, Integrated environmental assessment and management.

Michael S McLachlan, P. de Voogt, M. McLachlan, 2014, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.

Urs Berger, Michael S McLachlan, M. McLachlan, 2011, Environment international.

Zhanyun Wang, Martin Scheringer, Ian T Cousins, 2016, Environment international.

Michael S McLachlan, M. McLachlan, A. Kierkegaard, 2010, Journal of chromatography. A.

Philipp Mayer, Michael S McLachlan, Margaretha Adolfsson-Erici, 2011, Environmental toxicology and chemistry.

Jon A Arnot, Matthew MacLeod, Michael S McLachlan, 2011, Environmental science & technology.

Frank Wania, Michael S McLachlan, F. Wania, 2008, Environmental science & technology.

Eirik Fjeld, Katrine Borgå, Michael S McLachlan, 2013, Environmental science & technology.

Fiona Harden, Michael S McLachlan, Margaretha Adolfsson-Erici, 2008, The Science of the total environment.

Michael S McLachlan, M. McLachlan, Gertje Czub, 2004, Environmental science & technology.

Roger van Egmond, Michael S McLachlan, J. Christensen, 2010, Environmental science & technology.

Frank Wania, Knut Breivik, Michael S McLachlan, 2010, Environment international.

Michael S McLachlan, Margaretha Adolfsson-Erici, Gunilla Sandborgh-Englund, 2006, The Science of the total environment.

Urs Berger, Michael S McLachlan, M. McLachlan, 2007, Environmental science & technology.

Håkan Wickström, Matthew MacLeod, Philipp Mayer, 2014, Environmental science. Processes & impacts.

Philipp Mayer, Dag Broman, Michael S McLachlan, 2009, Chemosphere.

Frank Wania, Michael S McLachlan, Gertje Czub, 2002, Environmental science & technology.

Magnus Breitholtz, Christina Rudén, Matthew MacLeod, 2014, Environmental science & technology.