M. D. Bellar


M. Begalli, J. P. V. S. Cunha, M. D. Bellar, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

Luís F. C. Monteiro, Cleiton M. Freitas, M. D. Bellar, 2014, IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

Luís F. C. Monteiro, José Franco Machado do Amaral, M. D. Bellar, 2016, IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

J. G. Pinto, M. D. Bellar, J. L. Afonso, 2012, IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

M. Aredes, M. D. Bellar, L. E. A. Lirio, 2015, 2015 IEEE 13th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 1st Southern Power Electronics Conference (COBEP/SPEC).

W. I. Suemitsu, M. D. Bellar, F. J. C. Padilha, 2011, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics.

Mehrdad Ehsani, Khwaja M. Rahman, M. D. Bellar, 1997 .

Mehrdad Ehsani, B. Fahimi, B. K. Lee, 2001, APEC 2001. Sixteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (Cat. No.01CH37181).

J. Rocabert, A. Luna, P. Rodriguez, 2011, IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

F. Blaabjerg, P. Rodriguez, S. Busquets-Monge, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

Frede Blaabjerg, P. Rodriguez, S. Busquets-Monge, 2011, 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.

Mehrdad Ehsani, J. Mahdavi, Tian-Sheng Wu, 1996, IAS '96. Conference Record of the 1996 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Thirty-First IAS Annual Meeting.

M.D. Bellar, C.A.P. Tavares, W.I. Suemitsu, 2009, 2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics.

M. Aredes, M.D. Bellar, J.L. da Silva Neto, 2006, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics.

L.G.B. Rolim, M. Aredes, M.D. Bellar, 2005, 2005 IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference.