Marie Chan


Eric Campo, Yoann Charlon, Daniel Estève, 2013, Int. J. E Health Medical Commun..

Jean-Pierre Thomesse, François Charpillet, Laurent Romary, 2001 .

Eric Campo, Christophe Escriba, Daniel Estève, 2008, Comput. Methods Programs Biomed..

Eric Campo, Christophe Escriba, Daniel Estève, 2008, Tech. Sci. Informatiques.

Eric Campo, Daniel Estève, Marie Chan, 2003, Ann. des Télécommunications.

Jean-Yves Fourniols, Eric Campo, Christophe Escriba, 2012, Artif. Intell. Medicine.

Daniel Estève, Eric Campo, Marie Chan, 2002, Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine.

Daniel Esteve, Eric Campo, Marie Chan, 2010, The 12th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services.

Eric Campo, Daniel Estève, Marie Chan, 2011, PETRA.

Daniel Esteve, Eric Campo, Walid Bourennane, 2010, 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology.

Daniel Esteve, Eric Campo, S. Bonhomme, 2009 .

Jean-Pierre Thomesse, Norbert Noury, Jocelyne Fayn, 2001 .