Patrick Holthaus


Catherine Menon, Patrick Holthaus, 2019 .

Sebastian Wrede, Britta Wrede, Patrick Holthaus, 2016, LREC.

Britta Wrede, Patrick Holthaus, Annika Peters, 2011, 2011 RO-MAN.

Catherine Menon, Patrick Holthaus, Farshid Amirabdollahian, 2019, ICSR.

Sven Wachsmuth, Sebastian Wrede, Christian Leichsenring, 2017, Künstliche Intell..

Sven Wachsmuth, Patrick Holthaus, S. Wachsmuth, 2014, 2014 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).

Ingo Lütkebohle, Sven Wachsmuth, Marc Hanheide, 2010, ICSR.

Sven Wachsmuth, Patrick Holthaus, 2012, 2012 12th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2012).

Trenton Schulz, Jim Torresen, Patrick Holthaus, 2019, 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).

Kerstin Dautenhahn, Patrick Holthaus, Kheng Lee Koay, 2020, ICSR.

Sven Wachsmuth, Patrick Holthaus, Karola Pitsch, 2011, Int. J. Soc. Robotics.

Sven Wachsmuth, Sebastian Wrede, Christian Leichsenring, 2017, KI - Künstliche Intelligenz.

Sven Wachsmuth, Patrick Holthaus, 2013, 2013 IEEE RO-MAN.

Patrick Holthaus, Marian Pohling, Timo Michalski, 2017, HAI.

Trenton Schulz, Patrick Holthaus, Kheng Lee Koay, 2019, 2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).

Patrick Holthaus, Farshid Amirabdollahian, Mohammad Abadi, 2021, UKRAS21 Conference: Robotics at home Proceedings.

Sven Wachsmuth, Patrick Holthaus, S. Wachsmuth, 2021, International Journal of Social Robotics.

Patrick Holthaus, Farshid Amirabdollahian, Mohammad Abadi, 2021, UKRAS21 Conference: Robotics at home Proceedings.

Patrick Holthaus, Gabriella Lakatos, Alessandra Rossi, 2021, International Journal of Social Robotics.

Trenton Schulz, Patrick Holthaus, Rebekka Soma, 2021, Paladyn J. Behav. Robotics.

Arthur Richards, Patrick Holthaus, Farshid Amirabdollahian, 2021, UKRAS21 Conference: Robotics at home Proceedings.