Adisak Mekkittikul


Nick McKeown, Adisak Mekkittikul, Martin J. Izzard, 1996, Other Conferences.

Leonid G. Kazovsky, Adisak Mekkittikul, C. L. Lu, 1995, IEEE/LEOS 1995 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings. Flat Panel Display Technology.

Nick McKeown, Adisak Mekkittikul, 1997 .

Nick McKeown, Adisak Mekkittikul, N. McKeown, 1998, Proceedings. IEEE INFOCOM '98, the Conference on Computer Communications. Seventeenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Gateway to the 21st Century (Cat. No.98.

Nick McKeown, Leonid G. Kazovsky, Dan Sadot, 1996, Photonics West.

Dan Sadot, Adisak Mekkittikul, 1997, Other Conferences.

R. Theodore Hofmeister, Leonid G. Kazovsky, Imrich Chlamtac, 1996, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun..

Leonid G. Kazovsky, Adisak Mekkittikul, C. L. Lu, 1996, Optical Fiber Communications, OFC..

Nick McKeown, Mark Horowitz, Adisak Mekkittikul, 1998, IEEE Micro.