Young Tae Byun


Young Min Jhon, Young Tae Byun, Deok Ha Woo, 2006, 2006 International Conference on Photonics in Switching.

Young Min Jhon, Chang Wan Son, Young Tae Byun, 2005, SPIE/COS Photonics Asia.

Hyuk-Jae Lee, Young Tae Byun, Seok Lee, 2013, 2013 International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel).

Young-Wan Choi, Seok Lee, Young Tae Byun, 2005, SPIE/COS Photonics Asia.

Hyung Seok Kim, Jae-Hun Kim, Chulki Kim, 2012, Sensors.

Hyung Seok Kim, Seok Lee, Jungho Lee, 2011, 2011 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing.

Young Min Jhon, Young Tae Byun, Deok Ha Woo, 2004 .

Young Min Jhon, Young Tae Byun, Deok Ha Woo, 2010, OECC 2010 Technical Digest.

Seok Lee, Young Min Jhon, Young Tae Byun, 2013, Sensors.

Young Tae Byun, Sun Ho Kim, Dong-Jin Lee, 2018, 2018 12th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST).

Young Min Jhon, Tae-Hoon Yoon, Chang Wan Son, 2006, 2006 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices.

Hyung Seok Kim, Seok Lee, Young Tae Byun, 2010, 2010 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC).

Young Min Jhon, Tae-Hoon Yoon, Chang Wan Son, 2006, SPIE/OSA/IEEE Asia Communications and Photonics.

Young Min Jhon, Chang Wan Son, Young Tae Byun, 2005, SPIE/COS Photonics Asia.

Young Min Jhon, Tae-Hoon Yoon, Chang Wan Son, 2006, COIN-NGNCON 2006 - The Joint International Conference on Optical Internet and Next Generation Network.

Young Tae Byun, Seok Lee, Deok Ha Woo, 2001 .

Young Min Jhon, Young Tae Byun, Deok Ha Woo, 2005, 2005 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings.

Young Min Jhon, Young Tae Byun, Chi Woong Jang, 2012, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Young Min Jhon, Young Tae Byun, Seok Lee, 2003, 2003 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO/Europe 2003) (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8666).

Tae Geun Kim, Young Tae Byun, Seok Lee, 2012, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology.