Eugene A. Magnier


Daniel Sabin, Jean-Charles Cuillandre, Wiley Knight, 2002, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

P. A. Price, L. Denneau, Department of Astrophysical Sciences Princeton University, 2016, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

P. A. Price, L. Denneau, Department of Astrophysical Sciences Princeton University, 2016, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

Larry Denneau, Robert Jedicke, Peter M. Onaka, 2010, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

Klaus W. Hodapp, John L. Tonry, Peter W. Draper, 2014, 1406.6368.

Larry Denneau, Robert Jedicke, Klaus W. Hodapp, 2014, 1410.5084.

Robert Jedicke, K. C. Chambers, Eugene A. Magnier, 2006, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

Larry Denneau, Christopher W. Stubbs, N. A. Walton, 2017, Nature.

Susana Elizabeth Deustua, Jerry Edelstein, Ralph C. Bohlin, 2009 .

Eugene A. Magnier, William M. J. Best, Michael C. Liu, 2017, 1706.01883.

John L. Tonry, Marten Veldthuis, Chris J. Lintott, 2017, 1707.05223.

Larry Denneau, Robert Jedicke, Klaus W. Hodapp, 2012, 1202.2126.

John L. Tonry, Judith G. Cohen, vZeljko Ivezi'c, 2016, 1611.08596.

Jerry Edelstein, Stephan R. McCandliss, Mary Elizabeth Kaiser, 2009, 0903.2799.

Adam L. Kraus, Klaus W. Hodapp, William S. Burgett, 2013, 1307.0506.