Pau-Lo Hsu


Chien-Liang Lai, Pau-Lo Hsu, P. Hsu, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chen-Chou Hsieh, 2005, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2005. CCA 2005..

Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Pau-Lo Hsu, P. Hsu, 1999, IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol..

Chien-Liang Lai, Pau-Lo Hsu, 2011, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA).

Chien-Liang Lai, Pau-Lo Hsu, Bor-Chyun Wang, 2008, 2008 SICE Annual Conference.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Hsin-Han Liu, 2007, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Syh-Shiuh Yeh, 2000, 6th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control. Proceedings (Cat. No.00TH8494).

Pau-Lo Hsu, Cheng-Chung Hsu, Jen-Pin Hsiao, 2009, 2009 ICCAS-SICE.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Bo-Yi Wu, 2015, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM).

Pau-Lo Hsu, Ming-Ying Hsieh, P. Hsu, 1994 .

Pau-Lo Hsu, Hsing-Han Liu, 2006, 2006 SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chih-Han Kuo, Chen-Wen Hsu, 2012, IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Daw-Shang Hwang, Shean-Chyun Peng, 1994, IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol..

Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Pau-Lo Hsu, Jen-Pin Hsiao, 2013, Int. J. Robotics Autom..

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2002, Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Applications.

Chien-Liang Lai, Pau-Lo Hsu, Wei-Chih Hsu, 2011, 2011 8th Asian Control Conference (ASCC).

Pau-Lo Hsu, W. R. Fann, 1992 .

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2002, Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2002. IEEE.

Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Pau-Lo Hsu, Cheng-Chung Hsu, 2008, 2008 SICE Annual Conference.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chien-Liang Lai, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.

Chien-Liang Lai, Pau-Lo Hsu, Wei-Chih Hsu, 2010, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2010.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Shao-Kung Chang, Daw-Shang Hwang, 1997, Int. J. Syst. Sci..

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2003, SMC'03 Conference Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Conference Theme - System Security and Assurance (Cat. No.03CH37483).

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chen-Chou Hsieh, 2005, 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chen-Chou Hsieh, 2014, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC).

Pau-Lo Hsu, An-Ping Wang, Hou-Sheng Hsu, 2004, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2004.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2002, Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Applications.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Bor-Chyun Wang, Yu-Kuen Tsai, 2007, SICE Annual Conference 2007.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Daw-Shang Hwang, Shean-Chyun Peng, 1994 .

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chen-Chou Hsieh, Bor-Chyun Wang, 2008 .

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chun-Wei Liu, Yee-Chang Lin, 2008, 2008 SICE Annual Conference.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Li-Cheng Shen, 1998, Autom..

Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Pau-Lo Hsu, Chong-Cheng Shing, 2006, IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics.

Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Pau-Lo Hsu, Zheng-Hong Tsai, 2004, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2004..

Pau-Lo Hsu, 徐保羅, Li-Cheng Shen, 1993 .

Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Pau-Lo Hsu, Wei-Sheng Huang, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Shao-Kung Chang, Daw-Shang Hwang, 1998 .

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, Meng-Chu Zhou, 2004, SICE 2004 Annual Conference.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2003, SMC'03 Conference Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Conference Theme - System Security and Assurance (Cat. No.03CH37483).

Pau-Lo Hsu, Syh-Shiuh Yeh, P. Hsu, 2000, Proceedings of the 2000. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37162).

Chien-Liang Lai, Pau-Lo Hsu, 2008, 2008 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems.

Chien-Liang Lai, Pau-Lo Hsu, Che-Wei Chang, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.

Pau-Lo Hsu, 徐保羅, Tsung-Sheng Huang, 2007 .

Pau-Lo Hsu, Tsung-Han Lin, B.C. Wang, 2006, 2006 SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Li-Cheng Shen, 1995, Defense, Security, and Sensing.

Pau-Lo Hsu, An-Ping Wang, 2007, 2007 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2000, Proceedings of the 2000. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37162).

MengChu Zhou, Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans.

Chien-Liang Lai, Pau-Lo Hsu, Bor-Chyun Wang, 2007, SICE Annual Conference 2007.

Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Pau-Lo Hsu, P. Hsu, 2003, IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol..

Pau-Lo Hsu, 徐保羅, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2003 .

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chen-Chou Hsieh, An-Ping Wang, 2003, SICE 2003 Annual Conference (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8734).

Pau-Lo Hsu, Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Zheng-Hong Tsai, 2009 .

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, Meng-Chu Zhou, 2004, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37508).

Pau-Lo Hsu, An-Ping Wang, 2009, Int. J. Comput. Appl. Technol..

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2003, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron..

MengChu Zhou, Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2005, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

MengChu Zhou, Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Ming-Yen Kuo, Chau-Lin Chang, 2003, SICE 2003 Annual Conference (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8734).

Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Pau-Lo Hsu, P. Hsu, 2002, Comput. Aided Des..

Pau-Lo Hsu, Shao-Kung Chang, 1992, 1992 American Control Conference.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chen-Chou Hsieh, Bor-Chyun Wang, 2006, IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, P. Hsu, 2004, IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol..

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, P. Hsu, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews).

Pau-Lo Hsu, Syh-Shiuh Yeh, P. Hsu, 1997, Proceedings of the 1997 American Control Conference (Cat. No.97CH36041).

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chen-Chou Hsieh, Bor-Chyun Wang, 2009, 2009 7th Asian Control Conference.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Jin-Shyan Lee, 2001, 2001 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. e-Systems and e-Man for Cybernetics in Cyberspace (Cat.No.01CH37236).

Pau-Lo Hsu, Chen-Chou Hsieh, Bor-Chyun Wang, 2010, 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Tsung-Yu Tsai, Fu-Ching Lee, 2000, IEEE Trans. Signal Process..

Syh-Shiuh Yeh, Pau-Lo Hsu, P. Hsu, 1999, Comput. Aided Des..

Chien-Liang Lai, Pau-Lo Hsu, P. Hsu, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

Pau-Lo Hsu, Shao-Kung Chang, Shao-Kung Chang, 1994, Proceedings of 1994 American Control Conference - ACC '94.