Sang Gu Lee


Myung Jae Lee, Jae Hee Kim, Hee Dong Kim, 2003 .

Sang Gu Lee, Woo‐Kyung Kim, C. Yoo, 2013, Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society.

Sang Gu Lee, Seong Son, C. W. Park, 2013, Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society.

Sang Gu Lee, Young Bo Kim, C. Park, 1997 .

Sang Gu Lee, Hee-Jun Yang, Yang-Woo Kim, 2016, Archives of plastic surgery.

Sang Gu Lee, Seong Son, C. W. Park, 2013, Korean Journal of Spine.

Ho Seok Choi, Sang Gu Lee, Seong Son, 2016, Korean Journal of Spine.

Sang Gu Lee, C. Yoo, 홍원진, 2005 .

Sang Gu Lee, Y. Ahn, Seong Son, 2022, Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique.

Sang Gu Lee, Seong Son, Jong-myung Jung, 2021, Turkish neurosurgery.

Sang Gu Lee, Seong Son, C. W. Park, 2012, Korean Journal of Spine.

Sang Gu Lee, Y. Ahn, 2022, Acta Neurochirurgica.

Sang Gu Lee, Y. Ahn, Seong Son, 2017, Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society.

Sang Gu Lee, 2019, Endoscopic Procedures on the Spine.

Sang Gu Lee, Y. Ahn, 2021, International Journal of Spine Surgery.

Sang Gu Lee, N. R. Kim, Juhyeon Jeong, 2013, Acta Cytologica.

Sang Gu Lee, S. Ha, D. Shin, 2019, Journal of pathology and translational medicine.

Sang Gu Lee, Seong Son, Keun Lee, 2012, Korean Journal of Spine.

Sang Gu Lee, C. Yoo, C. Park, 2014, Korean journal of neurotrauma.

Sang Gu Lee, Young Saing Kim, S. Sym, 2021, Journal of the Korean Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery.

Sang Gu Lee, Y. Ahn, Seong Son, 2018, Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society.

Sang Gu Lee, Seong Son, T. Jeong, 2015, Korean Journal of Spine.

Sang Gu Lee, T. Jeong, 2017, Ulusal travma ve acil cerrahi dergisi = Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery : TJTES.

Sang Gu Lee, Y. Ahn, Seong Son, 2020, The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society.