Ashok Ranchhod


Claire Gauzente, Ashok Ranchhod, Calin Gurau, 2008, Int. J. Electron. Bus..

Ashok Ranchhod, Ray Hackney, Gareth H. Griffiths, 2002, Int. J. Serv. Technol. Manag..

Ashok Ranchhod, Calin Gurau, Ray Hackney, 2003, Inf. Technol. Manag..

Nooralisa Mohd Tuah, Ashok Ranchhod, G. B. Willis, 2018, EAI Endorsed Trans. Serious Games.

Gary B. Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, Vanissa Wanick, 2014, International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2014).

Gary B. Wills, Nooralisa Mohd Tuah, Ashok Ranchhod, 2017, EAI Endorsed Trans. Creative Technol..

Gary B. Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, Vanissa Wanick, 2015, MindTrek.

Gary B. Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, Noreena Yi-Chin Liu, 2018, EAI Endorsed Trans. Serious Games.

Eujin Pei, Ashok Ranchhod, Yuanyuan Yin, 2013, J. Enterp. Inf. Manag..

Ashok Ranchhod, Ray Hackney, Huinan Xu, 2006, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

Ashok Ranchhod, Calin Gurau, A. Ranchhod, 1999, J. Inf. Technol..

Gary Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, Vanissa Wanick, 2015 .

Ashok Ranchhod, Yuanyuan Yin, Maria Evandrou, 2014 .

Ashok Ranchhod, Călin Gurău, A. Ranchhod, 2020, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration.

Fan Zhou, Ashok Ranchhod, Julie Tinson, 2001, Inf. Resour. Manag. J..

Ashok Ranchhod, A. Ranchhod, 2004, Bus. Process. Manag. J..

Gary B. Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, Noreena Yi-Chin Liu, 2018, 2018 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM).

Gary B. Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, Alaa AlMarshedi, 2015, EUSPN/ICTH.

Ashok Ranchhod, Ray Hackney, 2000, IRMA Conference.

Gary Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, James A. G. Baker, 2013 .

Ashok Ranchhod, Ray Hackney, Calin Gurau, 2004, Int. J. Inf. Technol. Manag..

Gary Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, James Stallwood, 2013 .

Gary Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, Vanissa Wanick, 2019, EAI Endorsed Trans. Serious Games.

Gary Wills, Nooralisa Mohd Tuah, Ashok Ranchhod, 2016, ACHI 2016.

Ashok Ranchhod, Sanjeev Phukan, T. Vasudavan, 2000, IRMA Conference.

Ashok Ranchhod, Euripides Loukis, Rohit H. Trivedi, 2014, Inf. Sci..

James Baker, Gary B. Wills, Ashok Ranchhod, 2017, Serious Games and Edutainment Applications.

Ashok Ranchhod, Calin Gurau, Ray Hackney, 1999 .

Ashok Ranchhod, Nik Mahon, A. Ranchhod, 2008 .

Ashok Ranchhod, Gary Wills, Alaa AlMarshedi, 2016, JMIR serious games.

Ashok Ranchhod, Gary Wills, Alaa AlMarshedi, 2017, JMIR serious games.

Ashok Ranchhod, Calin Gurau, 2014 .