B. Bouchikhi


A. Selmani, A. Ed-Dahhak, B. Bouchikhi, 2018, 2018 International Conference on Electronics, Control, Optimization and Computer Science (ICECOCS).

A. Selmani, M. Outanoute, M. Guerbaoui, 2018, 2018 4th International Conference on Optimization and Applications (ICOA).

A. Selmani, M. Guerbaoui, B. Bouchikhi, 2015, 2015 Third International Workshop on RFID And Adaptive Wireless Sensor Networks (RAWSN).

A. Selmani, A. Ed-Dahhak, M. Outanoute, 2019, Procedia Computer Science.

A. Ed-Dahhak, M. Guerbaoui, B. Bouchikhi, 2013 .