Vlastimil Havran


Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, V. Havran, 2000, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Filip, Radomír Vávra, 2013, 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, 2007, SCCG.

Vlastimil Havran, Michal Hapala, V. Havran, 2011, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Karol Myszkowski, Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Filip, 2010, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, Werner Purgathofer, 2000 .

Mateu Sbert, Vlastimil Havran, V. Havran, 2014, Material Appearance Modeling.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Karol Myszkowski, Vlastimil Havran, 2003, SIGGRAPH '03.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Kirill Dmitriev, 2004 .

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Robert Herzog, 2005, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Michal Hapala, 2013, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, Marek Vinkler, 2014, High Performance Graphics.

Vlastimil Havran, Jan Hošek, Jiří Čáp, 2017, Applied optics.

Mateu Sbert, Vlastimil Havran, V. Havran, 2014, VRCAI '14.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, V. Havran, 2006, Eurographics.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, 2001, Proceedings Spring Conference on Computer Graphics.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Karol Myszkowski, Vlastimil Havran, 2005, EGSR '05.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Polina Kondratieva, 2004, International Conference on Computational Science.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Jirí Zára, 1997, J. Graphics, GPU, & Game Tools.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, 2002, WSCG.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Zára, L. Dachs, 2000, WSCG.

Vlastimil Havran, Martin Zlatuška, V. Havran, 2010 .

Vlastimil Havran, Vojtech Bubnik, V. Havran, 2015, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, Jan Hošek, Jiří Čáp, 2018, Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Karol Myszkowski, Takehiro Tawara, 2004, SCCG '04.

Vlastimil Havran, Jiri Bittner, 2002 .

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Sochor, Marek Vinkler, 2012, Comput. Graph..

Vlastimil Havran, Carsten Dachsbacher, Jan Novák, 2010, Eurographics.

Mateu Sbert, Vlastimil Havran, V. Havran, 2015, SCCG.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Marek Vinkler, 2017, High Performance Graphics.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Jirí Sochor, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Michal Hapala, 2015, Comput. Graph..

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, 2004, SIGGRAPH '04.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Pavel Slavík, 1998, Proceedings. Computer Graphics International (Cat. No.98EX149).

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Werner Purgathofer, 2005, SCCG '05.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, T. Barák, 2013, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, Marek Vinkler, 2015, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, Jan Hosek, Sárka Nemcová, 2019, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Michael Wimmer, Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, 2009, ACM Trans. Graph..

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Kirill Dmitriev, 2003, Eurographics.

Vlastimil Havran, Jan Hosek, Sárka Nemcová, 2018, MAM@EGSR.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Karol Myszkowski, Takehiro Tawara, 2004 .

Karol Myszkowski, Vlastimil Havran, Jiří Filip, 2016, MAM@EGSR.

Michael Wimmer, Vlastimil Havran, Peter Wonka, 2009, SIGGRAPH 2009.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Jan Hosek, 2017, SIGGRAPH Posters.

Philipp Slusallek, Vlastimil Havran, Ingo Wald, 2011, SCC.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Philipp Slusallek, 2003 .

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, 2005, EGSR '05.

Mateu Sbert, Vlastimil Havran, László Szirmay-Kalos, 2019, Eurographics.

Vlastimil Havran, Werner Purgathofer, V. Havran, 2003, Comput. Graph..

Vlastimil Havran, Werner Purgathofer, 2003 .

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Marek Vinkler, 2014, SCCG.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, 2001, Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Michal Hapala, 2013, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Karol Myszkowski, Vlastimil Havran, 2003, SIGGRAPH '03.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Marek Vinkler, 2016, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, 2013 .

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, 2003, SCCG '03.

Vlastimil Havran, Karolina Macúchová, Josef Zicha, 2015 .

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Jozef Zajac, 2009 .

Hans-Peter Seidel, Vlastimil Havran, Alexander Efremov, 2005, SCCG '05.

Karol Myszkowski, Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Filip, 2016, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, V. Havran, 2000 .

Vlastimil Havran, V. Havran, 2015, Material Appearance Modeling.

Mateu Sbert, Vlastimil Havran, V. Havran, 2017, The Visual Computer.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Karol Myszkowski, Vlastimil Havran, 2007, Comput. Graph. Forum.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, Jan Hosek, 2017, Sensors.

Vlastimil Havran, Jirí Bittner, 2014, Eurographics.

Hans-Peter Seidel, Karol Myszkowski, Vlastimil Havran, 2005, SIGGRAPH '05.

Vlastimil Havran, Jiřı́ Bittner, Jiřı́ Žára, 1999 .

Vlastimil Havran, Jiří Bittner, 2001 .

Vlastimil Havran, Carsten Dachsbacher, Jan Novák, 2011 .

Hans-Peter Seidel, Philipp Slusallek, Vlastimil Havran, 2005 .