Unexpected non-significant results from randomised trials can be difficult to accept. Catherine Hewitt, Natasha Mitchell, and David Torgerson find that some authors continue to support interventions d...
This study is the first known to use network meta-analysis to simultaneously evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to increase the prevalence of functioning smoke alarms in households with child...
The methodology described here was developed for a systematic review and individual participant-level meta-analysis of home safety education and the provision of safety equipment for the prevention of...
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reported 402,000 residential fi res in 2003, resulting in 3,165 deaths and incurring $6,074,000,000 in property damage (Karter, 2004). This represented ...
Objective: To test the efficacy of installing safety devicesinthehomesofyoungchildrenontotalinjuryrates and on injuries deemed a priori modifiable by the installation of these devices. Design: A neste...
Objective: To access an underserved, mobile segment of a monolingual Spanish speaking population and to improve maternal self efficacy for home safety behaviors using a culturally appropriate interven...
Mixed treatment comparisons (MTC) extend the traditional pair‐wise meta‐analytic framework to synthesize information on more than two interventions. Although most MTCs use aggregate data (AD), a propo...
Background: Unintentional injuries among 0- to 4-year-olds are a major public health problem incurring substantial NHS, individual and societal costs. However, evidence on the effectiveness and cost-e...
.............................................................................................................................. ii Acknowledgments..........................................................