
▪ Abstract The United States in the 1990s has experienced the greatest sustained decline in violent crime rates since World War II—even though rates thus far have not fallen as rapidly as they increas...

D. Vaughan,

▪ Abstract In keeping with traditional sociological concerns about order and disorder, this essay addresses the dark side of organizations. To build a theoretical basis for the dark side as an integra...

Alexander Tsatsulin, Boris Tsatsulin, A. Tsatsulin et al.,
Administrative consulting

РЕФЕРАТ Актуальность. Статья посвящена рассмотрению вопроса, казалось бы, чисто медикофилософского характера, когда человек, под агрессивным воздействием и изощренным давлением средств массовой информ...

Christopher Uggen, C. Uggen, Christopher Uggen,
American Sociological Review

crimes? Prior research is inconclusive because work effects have been biased by selectivity and obscured by the interaction of age and employment. This study yields more refined estimates by specifyin...

ZusammenfassungDie Einwerbung von Drittmitteln ist in Deutschland zum dominanten Indikator zur Messung von Forschungsqualität geworden. Diese Entwicklung hat allerdings eine Reihe von Nebeneffekten mi...

Weimin Li, John D. Radke, J. Radke et al.,
Ann. GIS

With more than half a century of development, Geographic Information Science (GIS) has evolved to become an interdisciplinary field of spatial thinking, geographic knowledge, geospatial technologies, ...

With his theory of differential association, Sutherland attempted to identify universal mechanisms that explain the genesis of crime regardless of the specific concrete structural, social, and individ...

Why do people believe that violence is acceptable? In this paper we study people’s normative beliefs about the acceptability of violence to achieve social control (as a substitute for the police, for ...

While there is considerable evidence that blacks experience school in qualitatively distinct ways from whites, there has been a general failure to examine racial variation in the impact of school vari...

While a growing body of empirical literature supports many key predictions of General Strain Theory (GST), the subjective perception of injustice remains a theoretically important but empirically unde...

We study the relationship between suicide rates and socioeconomic factors by using a panel data at Italian province level in the time span 1996–2005. Our analysis focuses on the impact of social norms...

We study social comparisons and status seeking in an interconnected society. Individuals take costly actions that have direct benefits and also confer social status. A new measure of interconnectednes...

We observe that countries where belief in the "American dream" (i.e., effort pays) prevails also set harsher punishment for criminals. We know from previous work that beliefs are also correlated with ...

We examine the evolution of Latin American cities in the last two decades of the twentieth century and in the first years of the twenty-first on the basis of comparable data from six countries compris...

We estimate multiwave panel models for the effect of clearance rates and a vector of socioeconomic control variables on index crimes, using a sample of 98 U.S. cities for the years 1964-70. No consist...

We attempt to investigate the generality of general strain theory (GST) by exploring the operation of general strain in an offending population. Data are obtained from self-report interviews of approx...

T. Toivonen, V. Norasakkunkit, C. Lassiter et al.,
Front. Psychol.

We argue that two society-level properties—resistance to change and diversity within a culture—significantly affect agents' degrees of marginalization, which is here defined as access to cultural know...

We advance and test an institutional anomie theory of opportunity entrepreneurship for understanding the combinative effects of selected cultural values and social institutions to explain national dif...

Video games constitute a major sector of computing with distinctive social implications. Analysis of video game programming errors, design limitations, and rule ambiguities suggests a range of positiv...

Matthew C Holtman, M. Holtman,
Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice

Validity arguments for assessment tools intended to measure medical professionalism suffer for lack of a clear theoretical statement of what professionalism is and how it should behave. Drawing on sev...