
N. S. Narayanaswamy, D. Gaur, N. Narayanaswamy et al.,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science

s of Invited Talks Sketching for Data Streams and Numerical Linear Algebra

We survey recent advances in the theory of graph and hypergraph decompositions, with a focus on extremal results involving minimum degree conditions. We also collect a number of intriguing open proble...

Michael Tarsi, Miri Priesler,
Discret. Math.

We study the decomposition of multigraphs with a constant edge multiplicity into copies of a fixed star H=K"1","t: We present necessary and sufficient conditions for such a decomposition to exist wher...

Yoshiko Wakabayashi, Guilherme Oliveira Mota, Fábio Botler et al.,
Electron. Notes Discret. Math.

We study the Decomposition Conjecture posed by Bar\'at and Thomassen (2006), which states that for every tree $T$ there exists a natural number $k_T$ such that, if $G$ is a $k_T$-edge-connected graph ...

Dániel Gerbner, János Barát, J. Barát et al.,
Electron. J. Comb.

We study edge-decompositions of highly connected graphs into copies of a given tree. In particular we attack the following conjecture by Bar a t and Thomassen: for each tree $T$, there exists a natura...

Yair Caro, András Sebö, Michael Tarsi,
J. Algorithms

We study decision problems of the following form: Given an instance of a combinatorial problem, can it be solved by a greedy algorithm? We present algorithms for the recognition of greedy instances of...

Carsten Thomassen, C. Thomassen,
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B

We show that, for each natural number k>1, every graph (possibly with multiple edges but with no loops) of edge-connectivity at least 2k^2+k has an orientation with any prescribed outdegrees modulo k ...

Carsten Thomassen, C. Thomassen,
J. Graph Theory

We prove that a 171-edge-connected graph has an edgedecomposition into paths of length 3 if and only its size is divisible by 3. It is a long-standing problem whether 2-edge-connectedness is sufficien...

We prove that a 171-edge-connected graph has an edge-decomposition into paths of length 3 if and only its size is divisible by 3. It is a long-standing problem whether 2-edge-connectedness is sufficie...

We formally study two methods for data sanitation that have been used extensively in the database community: k-anonymity and l- diversity. We settle several open problems concerning the difficulty of ...

Gianpiero Monaco, Shmuel Zaks, Michele Flammini et al.,

We consider the problem of switching cost in optical networks, where messages are sent along lightpaths. Given lightpaths, we have to assign them colors, so that at most glightpaths of the same color ...

We consider the problem of discovering overlapping communities in networks which we model as generalizations of Graph Packing problems with overlap. We seek a collection $\mathcal{S}' \subseteq \math...

Henning Fernau, Alejandro López-Ortiz, Jazmín Romero et al.,
ACM Trans. Comput. Theory

We consider the problem of discovering overlapping communities in networks that we model as generalizations of the Set and Graph Packing problems with overlap. As usual for Set Packing problems, we se...

Víctor Dalmau, V. Dalmau,

We consider the following classes of quantified boolean formulas. Fix a finite set of basic boolean functions. Take conjunctions of these basic functions applied to variables and constants in arbitrar...

We consider an optimization problem arising in the design of optical networks. We are given a bipartite graph G = (L,R,E) over the node set L ∪ R where the edge set is E ⊆ {[u, v] : u ∈ L, v ∈ R}, and...

Carsten Thomassen, János Barát, C. Thomassen et al.,
J. Graph Theory

We conjecture that, for each tree T , there exists a natural number kT such that the following holds: If G is a kT -edge-connected graph such that |E(T )| divides |E(G)|, then the edges of G can be di...

Peter Jeavons, Wenting Zhao, Mark H. Liffiton et al.,
2017 IEEE 29th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI)

We begin a systematic study of how Graph Decomposition problems may be represented using propositional formulas, and hence solved using SAT-solver technology. By making use of symmetry breaking techni...

Stefan Glock,

This thesis contains various new results in the areas of design theory and edge decompositions of graphs and hypergraphs. Most notably, we give a new proof of the existence conjecture, dating back to ...

This paper builds a general mathematical and algorithmic theory for balloon-twisting structures by modeling their underlying edge skeleta, evolving classic balloon animals into the new world of balloo...