
■ To date, empirical studies on the impact of knowledge management on the performance of MNC subsidiaries remain few in number. This study examines the effect of knowledge management tools upon absorp...

■ This paper examines the process of knowledge transfer in an intra organizational context. We first hypothesize that internal transfers will occur faster than external imitation due to the conceptual...

■ This paper examines the process of knowledge transfer in an intra organizational context. We first hypothesize that internal transfers will occur faster than external imitation due to the conceptual...

■ Although knowledge transfers can be a significant source of value creation in acquisitions, the realization of knowledge-based synergies is frequently hindered by a number of organizational, individ...

• A submitted manuscript is the author's version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published vers...

“Industry clusters” are systemic agglomerations of enterprises with common or complementary business interests. Firms in clusters benefit from sharing the fixed costs of common resources, such as infr...

“Green Campus” is a project developed by Politecnico di Bari, an Italian technical university, interested to start a “journey” towards sustainability. This paper illustrates the Green Campus project t...

– This paper aims to assess the importance of different knowledge management practices to promote organizational innovation in multinational companies. The links among internationalization, reverse kn...

– The vast majority of evidence about knowledge management (KM) is based on studies within a mass‐producing context and at intra‐organizational level. Little has been reported in the complex products ...

textabstractInnovation is the engine of sustained organizational performance and is central to organizations’ competitive advantage. This thesis aims to further the understanding of how firms can stim...

of the Dissertation Motivation, Trust, Leadership, and Technology: Predictors of Knowledge Sharing Behavior in the Workplace By Shabnam Ozlati Claremont Graduate University: 2012 Employees’ knowledge ...

complexity of projects, and in particular emerging problems, cannot and are not able to be solved through traditional systems or process methodologies. The limitations of traditional tools and techniq...

With the growing significance of services in most developed economies, there is an increased interest in the role of service innovation in service firm competitive strategy. Despite growing literature...

With the emergence of Free/Libre and Open Source Software as a significant force that is reshaping the software industry, it becomes more important to reassess conventionally held wisdom about softwar...

With rapidly shifting technological frontiers, innovative organizations cannot rely solely on internally generated knowledge and technologies anymore. Therefore, externally developed knowledge and tec...

Yi Wang, Xinping Shi, Yi Wang et al.,

With increasing attention on e-business and its implications for firm performance from both academia and practitioners, the study focuses on the mechanism under which e-business contributes to firm co...

With growing levels of competition across industries, technological competence is increasingly viewed as crucial for businesses to maintain their long-term competitive advantage. Although there are ma...

While theory suggests that management has discretion in manipulating resources in order to build competitive advantage, resource-based research has focused on the characteristics of resources, paying ...

While strategy and organizational researchers increasingly recognize that observers' perceptions and beliefs about firms have a substantive effect on firms' access to resources and performance, the pr...

While recent studies shed some light on the performance implications of open innovation, there is a gap in understanding how firms can translate their openness into innovation outcomes. In particular,...