Neural-Response-Based Extreme Learning Machine for Image Classification

This paper proposes a novel and simple multilayer feature learning method for image classification by employing the extreme learning machine (ELM). The proposed algorithm is composed of two stages: the multilayer ELM (ML-ELM) feature mapping stage and the ELM learning stage. The ML-ELM feature mapping stage is recursively built by alternating between feature map construction and maximum pooling operation. In particular, the input weights for constructing feature maps are randomly generated and hence need not be trained or tuned, which makes the algorithm highly efficient. Moreover, the maximum pooling operation enables the algorithm to be invariant to certain transformations. During the ELM learning stage, elastic-net regularization is proposed to learn the output weight. Elastic-net regularization helps to learn more compact and meaningful output weight. In addition, we preprocess the input data with the dense scale-invariant feature transform operation to improve both the robustness and invariance of the algorithm. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, several experiments are conducted on three challenging databases. Compared with the conventional deep learning methods and other related ones, the proposed method achieves the best classification results with high computational efficiency.

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