Multi-scale digital terrain model generation using Cartosat-1 stereo images for the Mausanne les Alpilles test site

Cartosat-1 is the first Indian Remote Sensing satellite able to collect in-track high resolution stereo images with a 2.5m pixel size. Since Cartosat-1 has no multispectral cameras, it was mainly developed for topographic mapping and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) generation. In the framework of the Cartosat-1 Scientific Assessment Programme, the Politecnico di Milano University (Italy) evaluated as Co-Investigator the performances of the Cartosat-1 satellite in the generation of DTMs from stereo-couples. This paper describes in detail the outcomes for the Mausanne les Alpilles (France) test site, with respect to existing standards and products actually used in France and also provides a comparison with the global Shuttle Radar Topography Mission’s DTM supplied by NASA and widely used in the remote sensing community.