Economic Integration and Development: Has Regionalism Delivered for Developing Countries
Part 1 Introduction and summary. Part 2 The theory of preferential trading arrangements - an overview: Viner and the "oral tradition" models of customs union welfare effects on the economic rationale of FTAs/CUs summary. Part 3 Measuring the effects of economic integration: trade creation and trade diversion in ex-ante models empirical ex-post trade models general equilibrium models. Part 4 Effect of EC-92 and NAFTA on developing-country trade flows: possible effects of EC-92 previous studies methodology - control-country approach results EU extension to 1996 NAFTA gravity model - an alternative approach conclusions. Part 5 Effects of EC-92 and NAFTA on DFI in Asia: overview of DFI theory, global DFI flows and regionalism -is there any discernable effect? conclusions. Part 6 ASEAN economic cooperation - real and monetary: development and structural change in ASEAN ASEAN economic integration a survey of the effects of AFTA monetary union in ASEAN? conclusion. Part 7 Anticipatory effects of regional integration - the case of ASEAN: ASEAN - from conception to reality the anticipatory effects in ASEAN - empirical evidence conclusions. Part 8 Economic integration in MERCOSUR and the Americas: economic integration in MERCOSUR other initiatives in Latin America ASEAN and the Americas - a comparison. (Part contents).