A Correlation between Pre-Main-Sequence Stellar Rotation Rates and IRAC Excesses in Orion

Early observations of T Tauri stars suggested that stars with evidence of circumstellar accretion disks rotated slower than stars without such evidence, but more recent results are not as clear. Near-IR circumstellar disk indicators, although the most widely available, are subject to uncertainties that can result from inner disk holes and/or the system inclination. Mid-infrared observations are less sensitive to such effects, but until now, these observations have been difficult to obtain. The Spitzer Space Telescope now easily enables mid-infrared measurements of large samples of PMS stars covering a broad mass range in nearby star-forming regions. Megeath and collaborators surveyed the Orion Molecular Clouds (~1 Myr) with the IRAC instrument (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8 μm) as part of a joint IRAC and MIPS GTO program. We examine the relationship between rotation and Spitzer mid-IR fluxes for ~900 stars in Orion for stars between 3 and 0.1 M☉. We find in these Spitzer data the clearest indication to date that stars with longer periods are more likely than those with short periods to have IR excesses suggestive of disks.

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