Maximize the Lifetime of a Data-gathering Wireless Sensor Network

A wireless sensor network is often deployed for environment monitoring and event inspection. Among these applications, the sink of the network usually requires the data generated on each sensor node periodically, and such a network is called a data-gathering sensor network. In each round of the data gathering process, a sensor node sends its reading via a single-hop or multi-hop path to the sink. Because the sensor nodes are usually battery-powered with limited energy, efficient routing strategy is required to reduce and balance the energy consumption of the sensor nodes in data transmission. This paper studies the problem of maximizing the lifetime of a data-gathering sensor network, which is defined as the number of rounds until the first node depletes its energy. We prove that the problem is NP-Complete, and then formulate it as an integer program to get close to optimality. We further propose a polynomial-time and provably near optimal algorithm to reduce the tremendous computation and storage cost of the integer program. Finally, we evaluate the efficiency of our algorithms by extensive experiments.

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