Energy Efficient Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks: Research and Challenges

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are used in multiplicity arenas which embraces environmental monitoring, healthcare, battle field, biological, home, disaster management and other commercial applications. With the massive progression in the arena of embedded computer and sensor technology, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), that is composed of numerous thousands of sensor nodes which are proficient of sensing, actuating, and relaying the unruffled information, have made remarkable impact universally. This paper proposed the concept of energy efficient clustering for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks by the use of solar powered nodes. Furthermore the configurability of sensor nodes in instance of any disaster occur, as well as propositioning a new sensor node, which will make the network reliable and increase the lifespan of the network. KeywordsCast-off, Vitality, Spawn, Li-ion, Energy Harvesting Tails, Instance, Perishes.

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