OTSM-TRIZ Problem Solving Process: Solutions and Their Classification

Described is the classification of the main types of solutions, which make the “Solution” Line in the process of problem solving within the framework of the OTSM-TRIZ (1, 2, 3, 4) approach. The Mile Stones system was developed for educational proposes, but it is also helpful for avoiding some misunderstanding between members of a problem-solving team as well as between an OTSMTRIZ coach and his customer. This work only deals with one line of analysis of a problem situation that of building a solution that is used in practice here and now – in specific conditions. All other lines of analysis and the technologies of obtaining different types of solutions used within the OTSM-TRIZ approach are omitted with a view to focus attention only on the suggested classification of various types of solution. For the same purpose, omitted or considered briefly are the mechanism of obtaining and specifying the requirements for solutions and the rules of evaluating different types solutions. 1 At the beginning of 1980s more and more people started applying TRIZ not only to engineering problem solving but to different kinds of problem, even in their private life. That is why Altshuller started writing in his articles and manuscripts that TRIZ had to be transformed into the General Theory of Strong Thinking. OTSM is a Russian abbreviation for the theory and at the same time the name given by Altshuller himself. As our research was provided under his supervision and he approved of our results, in July 1997 Altshuller granted N.Khomenko a permission to use the name OTSM for his research. This was done under the condition that every time the name was going to be used, its history had to be explained. That is why this comment appears here.