Granular And Complex Materials

Foam as Granular Matter (D Weaire et al.) Delaunay Simplex Analysis of the Structure of Equal Sized Spheres (A V Anikeenko et al.) On Entropic Characterization of Granular Materials (R Blumenfeld) Mathematical Modeling of Granular Flow-Slides (I Vardoulakis & S Alevizos) The Mechanics of Brittle Granular Materials (I Einav) Stranger than Friction: Force Chain Buckling and Its Implications for Constitutive Modelling (A Tordesillas) Investigations of Size Effects in Granular Bodies During Plane Strain Compression (J Tejchman & J Gorski) Granular Flows: Fundamentals and Applications (P W Clearly) Fine Tuning DEM Simulations to Perform Virtual Experiments with Three-Dimensional Granular Packings (G W Delaney et al.) Fluctuations in Granular Materials (R P Behringer) Statistical Mechanics of Dense Granular Media (M Pica Ciamarra et al.) Compaction of Granular Systems (P Richard et al.).