A NASA Spaceliner 100 Propulsion Oriented Technology Assessment

Abstract In response to a NASA request, theNational Space Propulsion SynergyTeam (SPST) team agreed to providetechnical and programmatic support toNASA in formulating a Spaceliner 100Technology Program. The SPSToffered a broad cross-section ofexpertise and experience. Itsmembership consists of senior level,volunteer representatives from acrossgovernment, industry, and academia.The purpose of this paper is to providea summary of the SPST support ofSL100, which culminated in apropulsion technologies assessmentand prioritization workshop conductedat MSFC. The results of this workshopand the follow-up analysis are part ofthis report. Also included, is a reviewof some "lessons learned" that weresolicited from the workshopparticipants.SPST OrganizationAnd OperationsThe mode of operation of the SPST inresponding to a request from acustomer is shown in Figure 1. llode .f ()peratioo FIGURE 1In response to a customer's requestthe SPST Steering Committee, withconsensus from the membership,defines the task and organizes thevoluntary manpower that will berequired. Consistent with this mode ofoperation, a diversified, experiencedtask force was formed to carry out thesupport of the SL100 technologyprogram planning. Four subteamswere formed to conduct this effort:Team 1-Functional RequirementsTeam 2 -Space TransportationArchitecturesTeam 3 -Technologies Identificationand CharacterizationTeam 4 -Technologies Prioritization