Maturity Model for IT Service Outsourcing in Higher Education Institutions

The current success of organizations depends on the successful implementation of Information and Comunication Technologies (ICTs). Good governance and ICT management are essential for delivering value, managing technological risks, managing resources and performance measurement. In addition, outsourcing is a strategic option which complements IT services provided internally in organizations. This paper proposes the design of a new holistic maturity model based on standards ISO/IEC 20000 and ISO/IEC 38500, the frameworks and best practices of ITIL and COBIT, with a specific focus on IT outsourcing. This model is validated by practices in the field of higher education, using a questionnaire and a metrics table among other measurement tools. Models, standards and guidelines are proposed in the model for facilitating adaptation to universities and achieving excellence in the outsourcing of IT services. The applicability of the model allows an effective transition to a model of good governance and management of outsourced IT services which, aligned with the core business of universities (teaching, research and innovation), affect the effectiveness and efficiency of its management, optimizes its value and minimizes risks.

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