REVIEW ARTICLES Fusion plasma experiments on TFTR: A 20 year retrospective*

The Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) (R. J. Hawryluk, to be published in Rev. Mod. Phys.) experiments on high-temperature plasmas, that culminated in the study of deuterium–tritium D–T plasmas containing significant populations of energetic alpha particles, spanned over two decades from conception to completion. During the design of TFTR, the key physics issues were magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibrium and stability, plasma energy transport, impurity effects, and plasma reactivity. Energetic particle physics was given less attention during this phase because, in part, of the necessity to address the issues that would create the conditions for the study of energetic particles and also the lack of diagnostics to study the energetic particles in detail. The worldwide tokamak program including the contributions from TFTR made substantial progress during the past two decades in addressing the fundamental issues affecting the performance of high-temperature plasmas and the behavior of energetic particles. Th...

E. D. Fredrickson | J. Manickam | G. A. Navratil | Harold P. Furth | S. S. Medley | Douglas McCune | R. J. Fonck | A. T. Ramsey | C. Ludescher | R. Camp | G. Pearson | M. G. Bell | R. E. Bell | Henry W. Kugel | Richard Majeski | D. K. Mansfield | C. H. Skinner | Steven H. Batha | S. Cauffman | Glen A. Wurden | D. S. Darrow | A. V. Krasilnikov | S. D. Scott | J. D. Strachan | John T. Hogan | M. C. Zarnstorff | R. Kaita | S. J. Zweben | S. Bernabei | G. Schilling | Wayne A Houlberg | D. R. Mikkelsen | R. K. Fisher | James D. Callen | M. Okabayashi | R. J. Hawryluk | Gregory W. Hammett | D. W. Johnson | S. A. Sabbagh | D. M. Meade | E. Mazzucato | P. C. Efthimion | F. M. Levinton | J. C. Hosea | K. W. Hill | E. J. Synakowski | T. Stevenson | A. L. Roquemore | Benoit P. Leblanc | E. Ruskov | C. E. Bush | M. P. Petrov | L. R. Grisham | Cynthia Kieras Phillips | Stephan Paul | F. C. Jobes | Richard Dendy | N. N. Gorelenkov | R. Nazikian | S. N. Reznik | A. von Halle | W. R. Blanchard | Masaaki Yamada | R. V. Budny | Boris N. Breizman | B. C. Stratton | Martha H. Redi | R. A. Hulse | Nathaniel J. Fisch | A. Nagy | J. M. McChesney | Herbert Berk | R. M. Wieland | G. R. Hanson | S. V. Mirnov | G. Rewoldt | K. M. McGuire | M. W. Kissick | D. W. Mueller | N. Fisch | James R. Wilson | J. Manickam | L. Zakharov | R. Budny | D. McCune | R. Bell | B. Leblanc | G. Hammett | W. Houlberg | E. Synakowski | M. Herrmann | G. Fu | M. Kissick | M. Zarnstorff | R. Wieland | M. Beer | G. Rewoldt | W. Dorland | E. Mazzucato | W. Tang | R. Nazikian | M. Okabayashi | M. Sasao | R. White | K. Young | R. Fonck | H. Kugel | R. Kaita | R. Majeski | A. Roquemore | J. Kim | K. Wong | S. Zweben | E. Fredrickson | D. Mikkelsen | M. Redi | S. Sabbagh | M. Bell | F. Levinton | S. Mirnov | G. Navratil | H. Furth | M. Yamada | M. Thompson | D. Darrow | P. Efthimion | W. Blanchard | C. Bush | L. Grisham | J. Hosea | D. Johnson | S. Medley | D. Mueller | C. Phillips | C. Skinner | A. Halle | M. Williams | R. Hawryluk | K. Hill | B. Stratton | G. Wurden | J. Callen | H. Berk | D. Mansfield | G. Hanson | S. Cauffman | R. Dendy | J. Rogers | M. Petrov | H. Takahashi | S. Paul | M. Bitter | N. Gorelenkov | S. Kaye | E. Ruskov | S. Batha | M. Williams | G. Taylor | B. Breizman | G. Schmidt | J. Hogan | B. Grek | I. Semenov | K. McGuire | Z. Chang | J. Strachan | S. Scott | D. Ernst | H. Herrmann | D. Jassby | F. Jobes | A. Ramsey | T. Stevenson | S. Goeler | A. Krasilnikov | M.C.S. Williams | S. von Goeler | Guoyong Fu | W. M. Tang | Chio-Zong Cheng | A. Kumar | W. Stodiek | G. Taylor | William Dorland | Stan B. Kaye | K. L. Wong | Leonid E. Zakharov | H. Takahashi | K. M. Young | D. Meade | I. Semenov | R. Fisher | W. Tang | H. W. Herrmann | Zuoyang Chang | D. L. Jassby | J. F. Schivell | D. R. Ernst | A. Nagy | G. L. Schmidt | N. Bretz | Michael Beer | M. Bitter | N. L. Bretz | H. Duong | B. Grek | M. Hughes | M. Sasao | M. E. Thompson | R. T. Walters | R. Mika | S. Reznik | M. C. Herrmann | J. S. Kim | R. Mika | M. W. Phillips | John H. Rogers | Ryan M. White | V. Yavorski | S. Bernabei | R. Majeski | C. Ludescher | D. Mueller | G. Schilling | J. Schivell | S. Batha | G. Taylor | J. McChesney | R. Hulse | M. Phillips | M. Hughes | H. Duong | A. Kumar | R. Camp | G. Pearson | W. Stodiek | J. Rogers | J. Hogan | V. Yavorski | S. Paul | C. Cheng | R. White | C. Phillips | B. LeBlanc | M. Williams

[1]  Harold P. Furth,et al.  Status and Objectives of Tokamak Systems for Fusion Research , 1998 .

[2]  R. Budny,et al.  Confined trapped alpha behaviour in TFTR deuterium-tritium plasmas , 1998 .

[3]  D. McCune,et al.  Notched velocity profiles and the radial electric field in high ion temperature plasmas in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor , 1998 .

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[5]  James R. Wilson,et al.  Ion cyclotron range of frequencies heating and flow generation in deuterium–tritium plasmas , 1998 .

[6]  D. Ernst Momentum transport, radial electric field, and ion thermal energy confinement in very high temperature plasmas , 1998 .

[7]  E. Mazzucato,et al.  Observations of neutral beam and ICRF tail ion losses due to Alfvén modes in TFTR , 1997 .

[8]  N. Fisch,et al.  Alpha-particle physics in the tokamak fusion test reactor DT experiment , 1997 .

[9]  K. H. Burrell,et al.  Effects of E×B velocity shear and magnetic shear on turbulence and transport in magnetic confinement devices , 1997 .

[10]  G. Taylor,et al.  Roles of Electric Field Shear and Shafranov Shift in Sustaining High Confinement in Enhanced Reversed Shear Plasmas on the TFTR Tokamak , 1997 .

[11]  A. T. Ramsey,et al.  Transport measurements for confined non-thermal alpha particles in TFTR DT plasmas , 1997 .


[13]  T. Fujita,et al.  Internal Transport Barrier for Electrons in JT-60U Reversed Shear Discharges , 1997 .

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[16]  R. Bell,et al.  Core Vφ and Ti profiles and transport in TFTR DD and DT plasmas with lithium conditioning , 1997 .

[17]  R. J. Hawryluk,et al.  Results from deuterium-tritium tokamak confinement experiments , 1997 .

[18]  L. Zakharov,et al.  Alpha-driven magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and MHD-induced alpha loss in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor , 1997 .

[19]  R. Budny,et al.  The Role of the Neutral Beam Fueling Profile in the Performance of the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor and other Tokamak Plasmas , 1997 .

[20]  G. Hammett,et al.  Gyrofluid simulations of turbulence suppression in reversed-shear experiments on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor , 1997 .

[21]  Zhihong Lin,et al.  Neoclassical transport in enhanced confinement toroidal plasmas , 1996 .

[22]  Beer,et al.  Turbulent Fluctuations in TFTR Configurations with Reversed Magnetic Shear. , 1996, Physical review letters.

[23]  Murakami,et al.  Energy Transport in Tokamak Plasmas with Central Current Density Control Using Fast Waves. , 1996, Physical review letters.

[24]  Glenn Bateman,et al.  Theory-based transport modeling of the gyro-radius experiments , 1996 .

[25]  Strachan,et al.  Fusion heating in a deuterium-tritium tokamak plasma. , 1996, Physical review letters.

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