Synchronously pumped intracavity YLF – Nd – KGW picosecond Raman lasers and LiF:F2- amplifiers

Passively mode-locked lamp-pumped Nd3+: KGd(WO4)2 and Nd3+:YLiF4–KGd(WO4)2 lasers were investigated. Stimulated Raman radiation in KGW crystal with tunable 1138.4, 1156, 1180 nm wavelengths was obtained under intra-cavity synchronous laser pumping. Laser Stokes pulses were amplified with 27 – 33% energy efficiency in a simple scheme under synchronous picosecond laser pumping of LiF:F2- crystals and ~ 2 ps pulses with 0.2 – 0.37 GW peak power were attained.