Seroepidemiología de rubéola en mujeres mexicanas. Encuesta nacional probabilística

A rubella seroepidemiologic survey was carried out in a rural population to better understand the epidemiology of this infections disease in Mexico. 24 331 serum samples from women between 10 and 44 years old were collected during 1987- 1988 from the 32 federal states. Samples were tested for Rubella Antibodies by use of hemaggluti­nation inhibition with a titer 1:8 bring considered as posi­tive; 79.96 per cent (CI 95%, 7.5-80.5%) of women were seropositive, seropositivity increased with age, from 69.26 per cent in the age group of 10 to 14 years old, to 87.84 per cent in the 40-44 age group. Seropositivity rates were lower in southern states than in northerm states and, higher in urban areas that rural areas (82.4 vs 76.6%); statistical significative difference in seropositivity rates were fround between girls less than 14 years of age in urban areas as compared to rural areas (74.7 vs 63.6%). Seropositivity rates were related to socioeconomic status only when high status group were compared lower status group (82.5 vs 77%). In addition, we observed a signifi­cative trend of increasing resopositivity as level of school education increased. In comparison to the 1974 national survey, this seroepidemiological survey showed a de­creased seropositivity for all age groups, even with an increase in the number of susceptible women, particulary in the group less than 20 years old. This study offers seroepidemiologic information about rubella at a na­tional and regional level.