Governance by Green Taxes: Making Pollution Prevention Pay
Part 1 Environmental policy between market failure and state failure: government failure - the theory of state failure, bureaucracy industry complexes, technocratic iatrogensis strategies of government intervention - technological remedies, classical pollution control, modern environmental policy, the polluter-pays principle, the second stage of failure promoting clean technology through economic instruments economic instruments in principle and in practice economic instruments - another technical fix?. Part 2 Turning the invisible hand green - the Coase-Pigou controversy revisited: Pigou's externality taxation - welfare economics, the externality concept, taxation of externalities, intervention by public authorities Coase and property rights theory - property rights, transaction costs, institutional analysis, implications the limits of Coase - the compensation problem, the variations in property rights, the intertemporal externality problem the institutional problem reexamined the problem of earmarking. Part 3 How to approach the study of environmental policy: the ecological modernisation capacity theory a disputable relationship the analytical framework choice of research design - choice of cases, focus areas of the cases, presentation of case studies, measuring the dependent variable, control for intervening variables. Part 4 Denmark - consensus seeking as best available technology: context of water pollution control policy - environmental background, administrative background, historical background the Environmental Protection Act - the delegation principle, the consensus principle, the "polluter-pays principle" a first account - public sewage treatment, industrial effluents the policy instruments at work - the role of the municipalities, permits, planning and standards, the Environmental Board of Appeal, subsidies industry's response - the importance of policy instruments, technological responses. Part 5 France - river basin management: context of water pollution control policy - environmental background, administrative background, ministry of the environment, local authorities, historical background Loi de l'Eau - the Water Act - Agences Financieres de Bassin (AFB), the water pollution levies, standards and recipient quality planning a first account - public sewage treatment, industry the policy instruments at work - the permit and planning system, economic instruments, voluntary branch contracts, river contracts and city contracts, the 5-year plans of the River Basin Agencies, the role of the communes, summary technological responses. Part 6 Germany - the sector guideline approach: context of water pollution control - environmental background, administrative background, historical background the water pollution control laws - the water household act, the federal waste water levy act a first account - public treatment, industry. (Part contents).