Effective Teaching: Evidence and Practice

Introduction: Effective Teaching - the British Research Reviewed PART ONE: INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING AND LEARNING Theories of Learning and Intelligence Direct Instruction Interactive Teaching Collaborative Small Group Work and Peer Tutoring Constructivist Teaching Teacher Beliefs, Values and Knowledge PART TWO: CREATING A FRAMEWORK FOR LEARNING Classroom Management Behaviour Management Classroom Climate Effective Use of Homework Problem-Solving and Higher-Order Thinking Skills PART THREE: TEACHING FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES Developing Pupils' Social Skills Enhancing Pupils' Self-Esteem and Self-Concept Teaching Pupils with Special Educational Needs Teaching Gifted Pupils Teaching in the Early Years Personalized Learning PART FOUR: TEACHING SPECIFIC SUBJECTS, ASSESSMENT AND OBSERVATION Literacy Mathematics Assessment for Learning Cross-Curricular Teaching Peer Classroom Observation Conclusion: Teaching and Teachers in the 21st Century School