In 2019 the conservation status of 214 fungal species in Estonia was assessed according to IUCN criteria and an IUCN category was assigned to each taxon. Altogether 94 species were categorized as threatened (CR, EN, VU), 42 least concern (LC), 60 near threatened (NT), three regionally extinct (RE) and six as data deficient (DD). Changes compared to the previous red list and threats to the species are discussed.
Eesti seente Punane nimestik – 2019. aasta uuendus
2019. aastal hinnati 214 seeneliigi ohustatust Eestis kasutades IUCN kategooriaid ja kriteeriume. Hinnatud liikidest kuulus 94 ohustatuse kategooriatesse CR, EN ja VU, 42 hinnati kui soodsas seisundis (LC), 60 ohulähedased (NT), 3 piirkonnas välja surnud (RE) ja 6 puuduliku andmestikuga (DD). Artikkel käsitleb muudatusi võrreldes eelmise punase nimestikuga ja olulisemate seeneliikide ohutegureid.
A. Suija,et al.
Red List of Estonian lichens: revision in 2019
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica.
A. Lõhmus,et al.
Conservation management for forest fungi in Estonia: the case of polypores
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica.
Michael Weiss,et al.
Towards a unified paradigm for sequence‐based identification of fungi
Molecular ecology.
G. Mueller,et al.
Applying IUCN red-listing criteria for assessing and reporting on the conservation status of fungal species
A. Palo,et al.
Loss of old-growth, and the minimum need for strictly protected forests in Estonia