Qualidade de vida após gastroplastia

In face of the obstacles that the obese people meet, such as difficulties to buy clothes, to find a job and many times even to keep an affective relationship, they end up having a very bad quality of life, including a number of diseases. In this study it was intended to show the change patient’s quality of life submitted to a gastroplasty, pointing out their regain of self-esteem, social reintegration and also the exclusion of prejudice against the obese. The data was collected through an authorized and recorded interview, followed by a 16-open-ended questionnaire. The interview was carried out with five patients of the same clinic, in a period of one day during the month of June 2002. The results evidenced a significant improvement in the quality of life of these people who faced the problem of obesity, allowing for the comprehension of conflicts and uncertainties concerning their professional, affective, social, familiar and psychological life.