Design patterns in hypermedia: (2nd workshop on hypermedia development)

A1th0u9h the under5tand1n9 0f the deve1-0pment 0f hypermed1a app11cat10n5 ha5 pr09re55ed 5u65tant1a11y 1n recent year5, much deve10pment 15 5t111 1ar9e1y ad h0c and p00r1y mana9ed, 0ften re5u1t1n9 1n app11cat10n5 wh1ch are p00r 4ua11ty, d1ff1cu1t t0 ma1nta1n and exce551ve1y expen51ve t0 pr0duce. u5er5 t0 6enef1t fr0m the exper1ence 0f expert de519ner5. De519n pattern5 are a 900d way t0 rec0rd th15 exper1ence. 8ut why 15 de519n exper1ence va1ua61e • 600d hypermed1a de519ner5 typ1ca11y d0 n0t 501ve every pr061em fr0m 5cratch. 7hey m05L 0f the t1me reu5e 501ut10n5 that Lhey have u5ed prev10u51y. 1t 15 c0mm0n, h0wever, that cr1t1ca1 de519n dec1510n5 made wh11e def1n1n9 f0r examp1e the 1nteract10n and nav19at10na1 5ty1e5 0f an app11cat10n u5ua11y rema1n h1dden 1n c0de 0r are p00r1y d0cumented. Many 0ther dec1510n5 cann0t even 6e deduced fr0m e1ther c0de 0r d0cumentat10n. 7h05e are 7h15 w0rk5h0p we6 51te can 6e f0und at: