Hybrid photovoltaic-diesel: A feasibility study in Lebanon

Lebanon imports fuel oil to generate around 94% of its electrical power accompanied with high import fuel price, high losses which lead to electricity outages and environmental degradation. The electricity sector suffers from frequent power blackout of 3 to 16 hours per day in all cities in the country. More than 39% of electricity is generated from private diesel generators. Lebanon's geographic location makes it benefit from mild climate and 1900 kWh/m2 as solar radiation yearly average which forms a sustainable energy source that will reduce energy outages. Hybrid photovoltaic (PV)-diesel system combines photovoltaic technology and diesel generators to profitably use abundant and free solar energy as source in industrial or applications that need cooling in summer. This paper presents an application of hybrid PV-diesel system in a tertiary building in Beirut that needs cooling in summer. A detailed feasibility study of hybrid PV-diesel system is performed. Results show that the PV-diesel system can ensure 260 kW of electricity among the year. The system is cost-effective in the economic conditions of the country and can be used as base for large scale future projects in the same field where area for PV panels is available.