Landslide Susceptibility Zonation (LSZ) Mapping - A Review

Landslides happen to be the most common natural hazards in the mountain regions and can result in enormous damage to both property and life every year. Hence, identification of landslide-prone areas is essential for safer strategic planning of future developmental activities. Therefore, Landslide Susceptibility Zonation (LSZ) becomes important. The relative importance of factors (weights) and their categories (ratings) plays a vital role in LSZ studies. These weights and ratings can be determined by implementing different approaches, which at times are very subjective in nature. Therefore, developing a suitable approach for determination of weights and ratings objectively and their implementation in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment for LSZ mapping to spatially predict the actual ground scenario is highly important and is an active research area even today. This article reviews advances in mapping landslide susceptibility zoning and discusses the applicability of a variety of approaches to assess landslide hazards.

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