Improved Combat Performance Using Relaxed Static Stability and a Spin Prevention System (FBW Jaguar)
Abstract : This paper describes the theoretical performance benefits that can be obtained by designing an aircraft that is naturally unstable in pitch and artificially stabilised by use of active control technology including an integral stall departure and spin prevention/'g' limiting function. It goes on to describe how many of these benefits have been successfully demonstrated during flight trials on the FBW Jaguar demonstrator aircraft. The flight trials are briefly discussed including the results of the stall departure and spin prevention system assessment with examples of severd dynamic combat manoeuvres made possible by such a system. The combination of leading edge wing strakes and longitudinal instability gave improvements in aircraft turn rate, acceleration, and field performance, thus providing a practical demonstration of many of the theoretical benefits described earlier. The FBW Jaguar flight control system was designed from the outset as a production system with the aim of identifying production clearance procedures so this experience leads straight into new combat aircraft such as the EFA.