A Report of Subtask B of FC+COGEN-SIM The Simulation of Building-Integrated Fuel Cell and Other Cogeneration Systems Annex 42 of the International Energy Agency Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Programme
Ferguson | M. Sasso | N Kelly | S. Sibilio | A Ulli | I Beausoleil-Morrison | M Davis | W D'haeseleer | V Dorer | E Entchev | J Gusdorf | M Manning | L Peeters | D Schreiber | K Siemens | M Swinton | V. Dorer | W. D’haeseleer | M. Sasso | S. Sibilio | N. Kelly | I. Beausoleil-Morrison | D. Schreiber | L. Peeters | M. Manning | M. Davis | M. Swinton | J. Gusdorf | E. Entchev | K. Siemens | A. Ulli | Ferguson