Entrepreneurial orientation in hotel industry: Multi-group analysis of quality certification

This study assesses whether or not quality certification moderates the way that entrepreneurial orientation affects hotel performance. Data come from responses to a questionnaire that managers of 102 hotels completed and returned. Several relevant methodological contributions by this paper can obtain robust conclusions: 1) the use of a dual methodology for data analysis (i.e., fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis and partial least squares structural equation modeling), 2) study invariance through the measurement invariance of composite models, 3) the predictive validity of PLS Path models through holdout samples and 4) application of the causal asymmetry in the fs/QCA. This methodological complexity allows us to state rigorously that entrepreneurial orientation positively affects performance of the hotels and that quality certification has a moderating effect: in certified hotels, entrepreneurial orientation has a greater effect on performance than in non-certified hotels.

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