Original scientific paper High-velocity water jet expanded into many fields of human activity due to its unique properties. Besides already traditional technological processes it begins to find its way also to the comminution of mineral particles. The paper analyzes the possibility of particle comminution using an abrasive mixing head used to generate high-velocity abrasive water jet and an impact of the jet to the solid perpendicular target made from tungsten carbide. Phyllosilicate (i.e. layered silicate) particles of both micron and submicron sizes were made by this method. The method avoids the formation of secondary structural defects which is in contrast to mechanical methods of particles comminution. Several types of micas (muscovites, vermiculite and biotite) and fine-grained kaolinites were comminuted using high-velocity water jet technology. The paper also deals with the possibilities of further change of silicate particles grain size and of using such prepared particles as precursors or carriers of nanoparticles.
W. Gong,et al.
Effects of process parameters on the comminution capability of high pressure water jet mill
Elsevier Sdol,et al.
Journal of China University of Mining & Technology
Michael Todd,et al.
Synthesis, characterisation and application of silica-magnetite nanocomposites
W. Gong,et al.
A novel process for preparation of ultra-clean micronized coal by high pressure water jet comminution technique
Coal comminution by high pressure water jets, machine design conceptual study
Longlian Cui,et al.
A novel process for preparation of an ultra-clean superfine coal–oil slurry