Cost-Benefit Analysis in order to Select the Reasonably Practical Risk Reduction Measures(RRMs) on High Pressure Urban Gas Pipelines

Abstract - The purpose of CBA(cost-benefit analysis) in risk assessment is to show whether the benefits of implementing additional risk reduction methods(RRMs) derived through risk assessment outweigh its costs and it is proper to implement the methods. In this paper CBA has been conducted in order to select the most effective and reasonable RRM as implementing the RRM derived after QRA for the high pressure urban gas pipelines. As conducting QRA again by applying the derived RRMs, No. 10 measure which includes pipeline corrosion monitoring, MOV(motor operated valve) installation and the method to protect pipeline damage caused by third-party mechanical interference has showed the highest risk reduction effect. Also it has been considered to be reasonably practicable by conducting CBA and then is selected as the most effective and reasonable RRM on the objects of this paper.Key words : quantitative risk assessment, high pressure urban gas pipelines, cost-benefit analysis † I. 서 론 위험성 평가 분야에서 비용-편익분석의 목적은 위험성 평가 결과 도출된 여러 위험감소조치가 ALARP(As low as reasonably practicable) 의사결정에