Computer program for analysis of coupled-cavity traveling wave tubes

A flexible, accurate, large signal computer program was developed for the design of coupled cavity traveling wave tubes. The program is written in FORTRAN IV for an IBM 360/67 time sharing system. The beam is described by a disk model and the slow wave structure by a sequence of cavities, or cells. The computational approach is arranged so that each cavity may have geometrical or electrical parameters different from those of its neighbors. This allows the program user to simulate a tube of almost arbitrary complexity. Input and output couplers, severs, complicated velocity tapers, and other features peculiar to one or a few cavities may be modeled by a correct choice of input data. The beam-wave interaction is handled by an approach in which the radio frequency fields are expanded in solutions to the transverse magnetic wave equation. All significant space harmonics are retained. The program was used to perform a design study of the traveling-wave tube developed for the Communications Technology Satellite. Good agreement was obtained between the predictions of the program and the measured performance of the flight tube.