Dynamical modeling of long-period variable star atmospheres

Using a new flexible computer program, numerical calculations were performed to investigate the dynamical structure and behavior of a spherical model atmosphere for cool pulsating Mira-like stars with masses from 0.8 to 2.0 solar masses and fundamental-mode pulsation periods from 175 to 1000 days. In particular, the response of the model to periodic driving at its inner boundary was examined for a considerable range of stellar parameters for both fundamental and overtone modes, various driving amplitudes, and various assumptions about the physical processes involved; radiation pressure on dust and time-dependent temperature relaxation were included. Stable steady state models with periodic shocks were obtained in all cases. Both shocks and dust were found to be essential for rapid mass loss. The shocks increase the density and thus greatly increase the amount of dust formed in the cool outer atmosphere. Radiation pressure accelerates the grains, which drive a slow cool wind. Calculated mass-loss rates appear to be of the right order of magnitude to agree with observations and show how mass loss can be expected to depend on the stellar parameters. 42 references.