The practice of social work

PART I. INTRODUCTION. 1. OVERVIEW OF SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE. The Purpose of This Chapter. The History of Social Work. A Definition of Social Work. The Relationship Between Social Work and Social Welfare. Social Welfare. What Is the Profession of Social Work? Generalist Social Work Practice. The Medical Model Versus the Ecological Model of Human Behaviour. The Medical Model. The Ecological Model. Goals of Social Work Practice Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Practice The Knowledge, Skills, and Values Needed for Social Work Practice. Outcomes of Social Work Education. The Key Objectives of This Text. Which Intervention Strategies Should Social Workers Learn? Summary. Exercises. 2. SOCIAL WORK VALUES. Value Dilemmas. Knowledge and Values. Value Dilemmas of Clients Versus Workers. Respect for the Dignity and Uniqueness of the Individual. The Client's Right to Self-Determination. Confidentiality. Ethical Dilemmas About AIDS Other Values. Summary. Exercises. PART II. SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE. 3. ASSESSMENT The Strengths Perspective. Sources of Information. Knowledge Used in Making an Assessment. Environmental System Emphasis. Assessing Problems. A Systems Perspective: The Pincus-Minahan Model. Summary. Exercises. 4. SOCIAL WORK WITH INDIVIDUALS: INTERVIEWING. Three Types of Social Work. The Place of the Interview. Opening the First Interview. Closing an Interview. Questioning. Note Taking. Tape Recording and Videotaping. Videotaping for Training Purposes. Summary. Exercise. 5. SOCIAL WORK WITH INDIVIDUALS: COUNSELLING. Counselling from the Worker's Perspective. Counselling from the Client's Perspective. Client's Reactions to Having a Personal Problem. Summary. Exercises. 6. SOCIAL WORK WITH GROUPS: TYPES OF GROUPS AND GUIDELINES FOR LEADING THEM. Types of Groups. Focus Groups. How to Start, Lead, and Terminate Groups. 7. SOCIAL WORK WITH GROUPS: CONCEPTS AND SKILLS. Membership and References Groups. Task and Maintenance Roles. Leadership Theory. Social Power Bases in Groups. Personal Goals and Group Goals Conformity. Idiosyncratic Credits. Competitive and Co-operative Groups. Controversy and Creativity. The Win-Lose Approach Versus the Problem-Solving Approach. Strategies To Resolve Conflict. Handling Disruptive Behaviour. Group Size Starting, Leading, and Ending Therapy Groups. Co-Facilitating Groups. Legal Safeguards for Group Facilitators. Summary. Exercises. 8. SOCIAL WORK WITH FAMILIES. Diversity of Family Forms. Societal Functions of Families. Family Problems and the Nature of Social Work. Family Assessment. Family Therapy in Systems Perspective. Four Approaches to Family Therapy. Problem-Solving Stages. Summary. Exercises. 9. SOCIAL WORK WITH ORGANIZATIONS. Models of Organizational Behaviour. Liberalism Versus Conversation. Surviving in a Bureaucracy. Summary. Exercises. 10. SOCIAL WORK COMMUNITY PRACTICE. Eight Models of Community Practice. Social Planning. Generalist Practice Skills and Macropractice. Knowledge Necessary for Macropractice.