Truck Traffic Characteristics for Mechanistic-Empirical Flexible Pavement Design: Evidences, Sensitivities, and Implications
This paper addressed issues on traffic characteristics for the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide, including weigh-in-motion (WIM) data sampling, traffic input levels, traffic count accuracy, and operational speed. This paper also examined the effects of these issues on pavement performance evaluation. Weigh-in-motion data collected in three random months are statistically sound and can provide traffic inputs with a satisfactory accuracy. At different input levels, vehicle class distributions have effects on rutting and cracking, but no effect on roughness. Axle load distributions have significant effects on the International Roughness Index (IRI), rutting, and cracking. The average number of axles per truck has no effect on pavement distresses. Monthly adjustment factors have some effects on rutting and alligator cracking, but no effects on IRI. Hourly distribution factors have no effect on pavement distresses. Axle load distributions have greater effect on pavement distresses than truck traffic distributions over time. The accuracy of truck count has effect on pavement distresses, except for IRI. As operational speeds increase, pavement distresses decrease. However, IRI is not sensitive to operational speeds. Finally, a summary of the sensitivities of pavement distresses to truck characteristics is provided to facilitate state highway agencies to modify their traffic monitoring programs for mechanistic-empirical pavement design.