The contact-impact algorithm for crashworthiness analysis of automobile structures
It is a typical great deformed dynamic contact process for automobile impact.Contact algorithm plays an important role in the aspect of computation accuracy and cost,except the factor of finite element and material model in the crashworthiness analysis of automobile structures.Special attention is paid to the contact searching algorithms which can be divided two parts:global searching algorithms and local searching algorithms.Advantage and disadvanage are both given for wide spread algorithms respectively(master slave algorithm,single surface algorithm,territory algorithm,position code algorithm,and NBS algorithm for global searching,node surface algorithm,pinball algorithm and smooth curved surface algorithm for local searching).Else,contact interface algorithms(Lagrange multiplier method,penalty method,perturbed Lagrangian method and augmented Lagrangian method),and the parallel computing methods for the contact impact problems on the computer cluser net environment are also discussed.Analysing the present condition of contact algorithm can push forward the further researching of crashworthiness analysis of automobile structures.