Media Democracy: How the Media Colonize Politics

Preface: Media, Culture, and Politics. Part I The Logic of Politics. Chapter 1 Democratic Communication. Chapter 2 Political Logic. Chapter 3 Party Democracy. Chapter 4. Summary. Part II The Logic of Mass Media. Chapter5 Mass Media Logic. Chapter 6 Mass Media Economics. Chapter 7 Media Time and Political Time. Chapter 8 Summary. Part III The Process of Colonization. Chapter 9 Politics through the Lense of the Mass Media. Chapter 10 The Duplication of Politics. Chapter 11 Politics as Theater. Chapter 12 Summary. Part IV The Effects of Colonization. Chapter 13 The Persistence of the Political. Chapter 14 Politics as Pop--Culture. Chapter 15 Pre-- Production and Co--Procuction. Chapter 16 Politics by Trial Balloon. Chapter 17 The Anaesthesia Effect. Chapter 18 Summary. Part V The Transformation of Representative Democracy. Chapter 19 The Marginalization of Representative Democracy. Chapter 20 Who holds Power in Media Democacy?. Chapter 21 Prospects for Party Democracy. Chapter 22 Summary. Part VI Prospects of Media Democracy. Chapter 23 The Internet: A Democratic Alternative?. Chapter 24 Balancing Democratic Gains and Losses. Chapter 25 Infotainment and Information. Chapter 26 Civil Society and the Media. Chapter 27 Summary. Conclusion: Democracy in Transition