Design, Fabrication and Experimentation of a Deep Drawing Machine

This paper presents the work implemented in designing, fabricating and operating a model of a cheap hydraulic DDM (deep drawing machine), which is currently utilized in the manufacturing processes lab in the IED (Industrial Engineering Department) at An-Najah National University. The machine is used to conduct different experiments related to the deep drawing process. This work was implemented in three stages: the first was the design stage, in which all design calculations of the DDM elements were completed based on the specifications of the product (cup) to be drawn; the second was the construction stage, in which the DDM elements were fabricated and assembled at the engineering workshops of the university; the last was the operating and experimentation stage, in which the DDM was tested by conducting different experiments. The experience gained from designing and constructing such a mechanical lab equipment was found to be successful in terms of obtaining practical results that agree with those available in literature, cost-effective relative to the cost of a similar purchased equipment, as well as enhancing students' abilities in understanding the deep drawing process in particular and machine elements design concepts in general.