Five transversal beam profile monitors for the ESS Cold Linac

In the frame of the in-kind contribution agreement signed with ESS, CEA is going to deliver to the European Spallation Source five Non-invasive Profile Monitors (NPMs) to be installed in the Cold Linac section. The high density of the proton bunches, typically 109 proton in a few mm3, may lead to space-charge effect distorting the profile measurements. Studies to contain the space charge effects have been performed. Two different read-outs (current reading from metallic strips and optical) were proposed and tested in two measurement campaigns at the IPHI accelerator at CEA Saclay. After careful analysis, the final choice fell on the read-out composed by a micro channel plate equipped with a phosphorous screen and followed by a camera. The detectors are now in construction at CEA. A summary of all main steps of the project, with special focus on the space charge simulations and the experimental campaigns, will be presented.