The review of trends in farm practices and machinery development suggests that noise problems are still prevalent in agricultural situations. The aim of this study is to assess the noise exposure for workers during olive harvest in Azienda Agraria Didattico-Sperimentale of Universita Politecnica delle Marche. A monitoring of noise levels is conducted in some days of the years 2010-2011. Noise samplings were carried out on electric and pneumatic harvesters. For sound pressure levels measurements an integrating-averaging sound-level meter, B&K2250 type, was used and the measurement procedure was set up in accordance with ISO 9612:2011. The tests have been carried out during the regular working activity with all the shakers operated by the same worker expert in the use of this machines. The results allowed to evaluate noise exposure during the olive harvest. Every machine has been analyzed to establish the level of noise produced according to the laws in force. With the collected data it was possible to establish noise exposure for every instrument. The measured sound pressure levels (Lp,A,eq,T) for all the harvesters under test are included between 70,2 db(A) and 83,5 dB(A). Noise pressure levels are higher for pneumatic type harvesters compare to electric type harvesters. The highest C-weighted peak sound pressure level (Lp,Cpeak) measured is equal to 109,8 dB(C), widely below the limits value. The daily noise exposure level determined respects the limitations in D.Lgs.81/2008 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (noise).